Have you heard that WW Norton is coming out with a new book on Gilmore Girls?!? It’s called LIFES SHORT, TALK FAST ed by Ann Hood. I’m so stinking excited!

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I love love love Rumaan Alam’s writing, so I cannot WAIT for his new release.

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GOODBYE SUMMER!!! I love that this edition is basically just the transcript of our last FaceTime, lolololol. I can't wait to get cozy and read all these books with you.

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In this house, we also listen to Traci. 🥰

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Thank you for being a fall person who isn't wishing summer away. Us summer lovers appreciate the support in this difficult time. Also, Danzy is a yes!

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I think you read that paragraph wrong.

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“Listen, I’m not here to wish away summer. Let’s frolic in the sun every minute we can, but I’m just saying I smell cozy season coming around the corner and I, for one, am seated and ready.” What did I miss?

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