These are such good recs!! Thank you so much. I have many of these on my shelf but haven't read them yet, this is my sign!

I'd also recommend Under the Whispering Door by TJ Klune if you want cozy fantasy queer romance. It's quiet but lovely.

And for Queer Friendship stories- Kings of B'More by R. Eric Thomas!

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Ahh so glad you liked the recs! Oh my god yes Kings of B'More is another book of my life. So lovely and life affirming.

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This is my reminder that I still need to read Cemetery Boys!

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The Ballad of Jacquotte Delahaye sounds fantastic, and the cover is stunning! Placing all the library holds in 3, 2, 1....

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Love the literary matchmaking and also this is maybe the most lovely description of my newsletter I've ever read? 💗

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