Thank you for being the receptacle for my approximate 1,476 texts per week about books. How did I ever get through weird/bad books without you??

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I would actually be lost without you!!

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I love Yaya’s fashion sensibilities. She reminds me of myself in 2004. Legendary.

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May 22Liked by Rosamond

We get Traci’s nonfiction summer reading guide tomorrow, and that is a very good thing. 📚

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ahhhh yes yes yes I can't wait!!

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May 29Liked by Rosamond

Thank you! A knitwear designer/dyer from Boston who I follow on Instagram and order yarn from just released as part of her collection a Dunkin-themed yarn. Will keep you posted as to how I knit this up! Anyway, knitting isn't something i do when I'm up at night (reviewing problems in my larger and smaller worlds, illnesses i might at one point suffer from, what to make for dinner the following night, etc.) but it does help me quiet part of my brain yet process things at the same time. Kinda like weeding. As far as Dunkin, there is one not terribly far from here, but we don't make it out there. My go-to order used to involve hazelnut....I'm tuning in to your experiment, for sure!

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Thank you for reading, Eleni!! Dunkin-themed yarn?? That sounds amazing!! I don't knit but my mom and sister and I so admire their creations. It seems like a very meditative activity. Thank you, again, for reading and subscribing to my newsletter!

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The perfect Dunkin order needs to be ordered from the phone haha!

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the real ones get it!!

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I’m very jealous of Yaya’s fashion! My Winnie use to wear some clothes but now she flat out refuses. I’m lucky if I can get a bandana!

And I second your therapist with their recommendation on mediation 🪷 I love it! Has helped me immensely

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