First of all, I almost jumped through my screen with those opening thoughts. Being all the "air is crisp" when you JUST TEXTED ME THAT I SHOULD WELCOME 100 DEGREE TEMPS HERE is so rude. SO RUDE. That said, I love how Rebecca takes care of your tender heart (and you, hers), so by the end of the email, I was back on your side.

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SO GLAD WE CLEARED UP OUR LITTLE MISUNDERSTANDING. I'm not over it. 100 degrees??? Ma'am no.

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Such a heartfelt review. Grief has so many facets; I don't think you can ever be done with it.

And— you've sold me on Colored Television.

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Thank you, always, for reading! And definitely let me know what you think about Colored Television.

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I also believe September is the real new year, and love when I find another person that agrees with me. There's something magical about it, feeling like this season brings a fresh new start.

Also sending love, grief is such a hard thing, and it moves and changes over the years but never really goes away.

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